Cassie Machado is a visual artist with British-Sri Lankan heritage, working with the medium of Documentary Photography, with large format analogue photography and experimenting with traditional photographic analogue techniques and video installation. Machado studied English Literature at Kings College London and was awarded the Foundation Botin prize by photographer Paul Graham in 2011. Her work explores the themes of time and memory, and engages with the complexities of  diasporic identity, cross-cultural encounters, post-colonialism and trans-nationalism.

Characterised by a distinct visual language and unique poetic approach positioned in the realm existing between fact and fiction her work bends optics of light to illuminate the unseen, the unrepresentable and the opaque. Through the creation of encounters she invites audiences to co-create meaning as part of a dynamic and participatory exchange. Transcending the limitations imposed by the western, colonial gaze her work advocates for an egalitarian distribution of aesthetic agency by illuminating a new politics of looking, being seen, connecting with the world and for being-with one another.

She has exhibited at Dhaka Art Summit, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Sri Lanka (MMCA), MOCA Taipei and Saskia Fernando Gallery.

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